TTP Advisory Board
The TTP Advisory Board is created from the TTP membership and is reviewed regularly to make sure it is representative of the membership as a whole. The most visible role of the Advisory Board is to help construct the agenda for the regional TTP conferences. They also help in conducting the conferences and coordinating member presentations. The Advisory Board does however carry out a lot of work behind the scenes which benefits the TTP as a whole. Selected members of the board are known as ‘Moderators’ and these people monitor the discussions on the lists and Forums and discuss matter with Product and Engineering Management within the company should the need arise. These people also extract useful information from the discussions and write this up to publish on the website as an information document.
TTP Advisory Board Members
TTP Ambassadors
The TTP Ambassadors are people around the world who run their own group or community that can benefit from links to the TTP. This could be anything from a regional GroupWise User Group to a regular meeting where local college computer staff get together to discuss issues of general interest to the group.
Regional Annual Conference
The primary annual conference is a five day event consisting of formal presentations and workshops – most of which are highly technical – as well as round-table discussions, training and informal opportunities to network, solve problems and improve products. Much of the material presented is made available under NDA – which covers the whole event. This conference normally takes place in Provo in July each year. Secondary annual conferences are held in Europe around Easter time and in Asia/Pacific just before Christmas.
Additional regional events are planned throughout the year. Members may attend any of the TTP meetings but are encouraged to support their regional event in order to be able to network with more of their colleagues and similarly structured organizations.
Other benefits
The main benefit of belonging to the group is the membership of the community and the self-help resource that this can provide. As a member of the TTP you will have access to restricted areas of the TTP web pages intended solely for the partner community including product and learning collateral.
How do I join the TTP?
Click on the Join Us link and complete the form, linking yourself with an institution currently on the list or add your site if it is not on the list. Please don’t forget to complete the profile information as this can be very useful for other sites to find people who are using similar technologies.
Once you have submitted the application form it will be forwarded for approval. Under normal circumstances, you will be added to the group within 48 hours and sent an appropriate welcome email.
People who join the TTP find it extremely useful and we hope you will take this opportunity to join up today. If you have any questions concerning the group or the processes involved please e-mail us at